572 research outputs found

    Single- and double-vortex vector solitons in self-focusing nonlinear media

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    We study two-component spatial optical solitons carrying an angular momentum and propagating in a self-focusing saturable nonlinear medium. When one of the components is small, such vector solitons can be viewed as a self-trapped vortex beam that guides either the fundamental or first-order guided mode, and they are classified as single- and double-vortex vector solitons. For such composite vortex beams, we demonstrate that a large-amplitude guided mode can stabilize the ring-like vortex beam which usually decays due to azimuthal modulational instability. We identify different types of these vector vortex solitons and demonstrate both vortex bistability and mutual stabilization effect.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figure

    Nonlinear couplers with tapered plasmonic waveguides

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    We suggest and demonstrate numerically that, by employing tapered waveguides in the geometry of a directional coupler, we can enhance dramatically the performance for optical switching of nonlinear plasmonic couplers operating at the nanoscale, overcoming the detrimental losses but preserving the subwavelength confinement. We demonstrate that, by an appropriate choice of the taper angle of the coupled metal-dielectric slot waveguides, we can compensate for the amplitude decrease and enhance the sharpness of the response for the switching operation.The authors acknowledge a financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (project ´ MAT2008-06870), Xunta de Galicia (project 10PXIB265118PR), and the Australian Research Council

    Nonlinear plasmonic directional couplers

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    A study on the nonlinear modes of plasmonic directional couplers created by two nonlinear dielectric slot waveguides with metallic claddings is presented. The calculated power diagram shows substantial differences from the case of nonlinear dielectric couplers. The power-dependent switching and the effect of losses on the coupler performance are studied using finite-difference time-domain numerical simulations.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain through the Acción Complementaria Internacional under Grant No. PCI2006-A7-0561 and the Project No. MAT2008- 06870 and the Ramón y Cajal contract granted to J.R.S

    A linguagem bi-média no design gráfico

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    A identidade corporativa de uma empresa ou instituição evidencia-se através dos elementos comunicacionais internos e externos, do ambiente de produção e/ou do atendimento que é prestado ao cliente, na apresentação do staff e também através dos estacionários. Neste sentido, a investigação pretende materializar os valores associados à marca IPCB e, assim, permitir delinear vários níveis de estratégia de comunicação corporativa em adequação aos diferentes públicos-alvo. Na metodologia de investigação, numa primeira fase, torna-se necessário fazer uma revisão da literatura, relacionada com a problemática em causa, para clarificar conceitos e adotar métodos. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, determinou-se um conjunto de argumentos a testar e identificaram-se as variáveis e as medidas a tomar para testar esses argumentos. Para testar os argumentos, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de investigação mista: Primeiro, através de observação e análise das campanhas publicitárias de angariação de novos alunos, realizadas anteriormente pelo IPCB, na intenção de avaliar a relação entre imagem e texto. Segundo, através de questionário pretendeu-se a realização de uma auditoria de imagem à presidência, deste instituto. Tudo isso com o objetivo de fundamentar a relação existente entre texto e imagem na publicidade institucional, e quais os valores da marca IPCB presentes na comunidade académica. A análise dos dados resultantes desta metodologia de investigação será qualitativa e poderá resultar num conjunto de diretrizes não fechadas, para que, em futuras campanhas publicitárias, a aplicação da marca IPCB seja feita com maior eficácia, valorizando e solidificando a Imagem institucional. Pretende-se que esta investigação tenha uma aplicabilidade prática na campanha de captação de novos alunos para os cursos do IPCB, nos anos lectivos de 2013/2016. Contribuirá, certamente, para a consolidação da postura institucional no exterior já que, com maior sucesso, se poderão definir linhas estratégicas e determinar objetivos a cumprir, promovendo-se, com isso, uma postura de excelência relativamente à concorrência.ABSTRACT The corporate identity of a company or institution is evidenced through internal and external communication elements, the production environment and / or care that is provided to the customer at the presentation of staff, and also through stationary. In this sense, the research aims to materialize the values associated with the brand IPCB, and allow delineating various levels of corporate communication strategy for adaptation to different target. In research methodology, in a first phase, it is necessary to review the literature related to the issue in question to clarify concepts and adopt methods. From the literature review it was determined a set of hypotheses to be tested and identified the variables and the measures needed to test these hypotheses. To test the hypothesis it was used a mixed research methodology: First, through observation and analysis of advertising campaigns to attract new students, held previously by IPCB, intending to evaluate the relationship between image and text. Second, through questionnaire was intended to carry out an audit (of advertising image) to the presidency of this institute. Therefore, it is sought to substantiate the relationship between text and image in institutional advertising, and what brand values IPCB present in the academic community. The analysis of the data resulting from this research methodology is qualitative and may result in a set of guidelines that are not closed, so that in future advertising campaigns, the implementation of brand IPCB can be done more effectively, enhancing and solidifying the institutional image. It is intended that this research has a practical applicability in the campaign to attract new students to the IPCB courses in the academic years 2013/2016. It will certainly be to consolidate the institutional posture abroad since, with greater success, may be well-defined strategic lines delineate and determine goals to fulfil, promoting thereby a position of excellence over the competition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio